Run Status


Checking the status of your Runs is very easy. Depending on the load of the clusters at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC), queue times can vary. It can take up to 24 hours for your job to run. Please email us if your Run is still queued after 36 hours.

There are 2 different methods you will be able to check the status of your runs

Status Indicator in Web App

Next to each Run is a light indicator:

Cases that have not been submitted or are in the process of running will be located just below the reload job state button in the left navigation panel. The indicator will show:

  • Gray - Run has not been submitted

  • Blinking/Solid Yellow - Run is in queue

  • Blinking Green - Run is solving

Cases that are completed will be between the All and Show Deltas lines in the left navigation pane (there are no completed/published runs here) and will have an indicator showing:

  • Green - Run Completed and Results are Published

  • Yellow - Run Completed and ran to the end time without convergence. Average values (over the final 2000 iterations) are published but should be evaluated by taking a critical look at the convergence plots.

  • Red - Run has failed. Email App Support if your run has failed. Please include your OSC username, program, project name, and run name in your email.

Clicking on the reload job state will refresh the status of the Runs.

Email Alerts

The primary user's email will be getting an email from OSC when each run script starts and completes. For each run, TotalSim utilizes 5 different scripts for each run: mesh, setup, solve(or solve-sweep), export, and postpro. Once you have received the completion email of the postpro script, you can expect to see results on the Web App.

Note: You will also receive email alerts if we re-run jobs for you.

A sample email from OSC is shown below:

Note: If you see Execution terminated and Exit_status=0, then that script has been successfully completed. If you see a different status number then your run may have failed.