Comparing Runs


This Run Comparison guide has examples from across the TotalSim suite of applications. Note that for the 2D airfoil cases the comparisons are done in a similar way. Because of the nature of the 2D airfoil case it has fewer plots to compare across runs; therefore, there will me more options seen for the 3D cases here than would be available for the 2D airfoil.

Users have these two options for run comparison in the web app:

Comparing Forces

Clicking the project name on the top left hand corner of the navigation bar will bring you to a table with all of your completed runs listed. Choosing a run as the baseline (by selecting the check box next to the run under the "baseline" column) will enable a delta comparison of the forces between the baseline run and the other runs. You can check the Do Percent and it will give you the percent difference between the baseline run and the other runs.

Clicking on the Patch Group tab will bring you to a summary of forces for different parts and propellers for each run. You will be able to change forces by clicking on the Drag, Lift, and Side Force buttons. Selecting a run as baseline will enable a delta comparison of forces. Checking Do Percent will show the percent difference between runs.

You are able to filter runs by entering a global pattern in the Filter Runs field. For example, RUN00* will include runs RUN001-RUN009, and RUN02* will include runs RUN020-RUN029.

Comparing Images between Runs

Comparing images and slices between sets of Runs can be easily done using the web interface.

Images and slices produced by the results of each case can be viewed and compared by using the interactive elements and keyboard shortcuts on the Compare Images/Slices page.

  • To compare images and slices, click the Compare Images/Slices menu item in the Navigation Menu.
  • There are two radio buttons below the image view which allows you to select the option to compare images or slices. Images are the different views of the vehicle as were seen under the image tab of an individual run results page, and the slices are individual frames from the movies seen in the movies tab of an individual run results page.
  • Clicking on one of the all runs / steady runs / transient run buttons will load runs into the comparison list. Runs can be dragged to switch their order, which is useful if the user wants to use the arrow keys to compare through the list in a specific order. Runs that are not of interest can be removed by clicking the 'X' associated with the run. The first animation below shows this process.
  • Runs, variables, and view position can be compared using the image comparison option. Select the run to start with, select the variable of interest, and then the view position you would like to compare and the first image will appear. Then use the arrow keys up / down / left / right to toggle between runs, variables, or image views. The animations below show this process.
  • Runs, variables, and slice position can be compared using the slice comparison option. Select the run to start with, select the variable of interest and the direction, then change the slice number and the first image should appear. Then the arrow keys up / down / left / right can be used to toggle changes. The animation above shows slices being compared.
  • The button Compare Selected will take you back to the run summary page where only the runs you have been comparing will be shown for numerical comparison.