Project Settings


The TS AUTO application project setting page allows the user to change the way the results are presented on the interface. This section goes over the various features of the setting pages.

Contents of Page:

  • Select "Project" and click on the "Setting" tab. The "Project Settings" window will appear. (Image 1)
  • If any changes are made to the setting page scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Save". If "Save" is not selected the setting changes will not be applied.

Image 1: TS AUTO APP interface - projects setting page

Changing Displayed Forces

The user has the ability to change the displayed forces. The forces can be displayed as: (Image 2)

    • To report "Standard Forces"
      • Unit options:
        • Raw force units options: lb and N
        • Raw moment units lb-ft and N-m
    • Coefficient Forces
    • Coefficient Area Forces
      • The coefficients are reported as a function of frontal area. Units will be m^2

Image 2: TS AUTO APP interface - standard force selection

  • To report the raw forces, select the "standard forces" option. (Image 2)
    • select the units the raw forces should be reported in. (Image 3)

Image 3: TS AUTO APP interface - raw force/moment options

  • To report the coefficients from the simulation, select coefficient forces (Image 4)
    • If this option is selected, the frontal area must be entered in the "Drag Area" and "Lift Area"
      • unit options: m^2, ft^2, and in^2
    • The coefficient forces options is unitless.

Image 4: TS AUTO APP interface - coefficient forces options

  • Select the "coefficient area forces" to report the coefficients as function of frontal area
    • You can select this option if the frontal area of your vehicle is not known
    • The units of the coefficient area forces will be m^2.

Displaying Side Forces and Moments

  • You have the option to hide or show either the side forces or moment forces. (Image 5)
  • If the reference length for the moment calculation are known, you can enter them unto the "Roll Ref. Length", "Pitch Ref Length", and "Yaw Ref. Length" fields
    • If this field is left blank, the reference lengths will be a unit of 1.

Image 5: TS AUTO APP interface - side forces and moment options

Velocity Scaling

  • Alter the displayed speed units (Image 6)
  • Option to perform velocity scaling on raw forces scaling will not affect the coefficients.
    • Enter the velocity to scale to in the "Target Velocity Speed" section
      • needs to be the same units as specified in the "Speed Units" field
      • Scaling Ration is (Target Speed/Simulation Speed)^2

Image 6: TS AUTO APP interface - velocity scaling

Ride Height Options

  • An option to choose between relative and absolute for the ride method is available under the Ride Height Units section. (Image 7)
    • The first and third drop down section allows to pick the units for the front and rear ride height.
      • Typically if you choose the absolute method, pick inches for the units and pick millimeters if relative method is selected.
    • The second and fourth option allows the user to pick the method,
      • relative - translates down from the reference plane.
      • absolute - in relation to ground clearance.
    • If relative is chosen an input for the front and rear ride relative distance is needed. It represents the distance to an arbitrary plane.

Image 7:TS AUTO APP interface - ride height units settings