Submitting Runs
After checking your geometry in the 3D Viewer and checking your Simulation settings, you are now ready to Submit.
Contents of Page:
Purchase Tokens
How to Pay for Runs
Tokens will be used as payment for TotalSim Web. Each token will have a retail value of $20.
Disclaimer: We reserve the right to adjust without notice the retail value of each tokens and also the tokens needed to run for each App.
Please email us if your company requires a Quote.
Purchasing Tokens
Click on New Run
Under Pricing, click on Account Page
Click on Manage Cards to add/remove Credit Cards
Click Confirm after adding Credit Card Information
Enter Quantity and click on Checkout
Please contact TotalSim for pricing.
Submitting Run
Once you save the run a quote for the run will be given to you at the top of the page under Pricing. Check to see if you has enough tokens for the run.
If there are errors, then a list of errors will printed in red below the Save, Submit, Delete, Show 3d view, and Duplicate buttons. These errors will need to be addressed before the run can be submitted.
If there are no errors, click on blue Submit button.
You have the ability to kill the job after submitting, but prior to run publishing. However, you will still be charged for the full run. To kill job, click on Delete.
Image 1: TS AUTO APP interface - pricing quote
Image 2: TS AUTO APP interface - submit options
Duplicating Run
If you want to make one small change or want to run the same simulation with different geometry, you can duplicate the run without having to re-setup the simulation. You have the ability to duplicate the the run before submitting the run, during the run solve, and after run completion.
Click on the Run you want to duplicate
At bottom, click Duplicate
It will automatically rename the run as parentRun.1, but you are able to change the name of the new Run.
Make your intended changes
Click Save and check 3D Viewer
Click on Submit